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Savory Confectionery

Whether the flavor, whether the lime, a must have for all St. Lucian's ( visitors and locals ) alike , is a warm, freshly baked  cassava. Locally grown and produced, this treat is easy accessible year round. Well known for their cassavas, Place Kassav, currently holds the titles for best cassava on the island "according to their customers". Saltfish to chocolate, sweet to savory... the flavors and combinations are endless. whenever I go on a family trip , or as locals would say, "Round D' Island", the most anticipated stop that goes to the top of my list is Place Kassav, known by name, when I walk in I am greeted and asked, " the same for you? ", and with a smile from ear to ear I would reply. " you got it". Being handed two warm, freshly made  saltfish cassava, makes the child inside of me jump for joy. The first bite sets the paste as to how quickly that cassava would be done, enjoying the warm, moist saltfish flavored cassava fille

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